José Manuel Figueroa Valdés

Studies and professional experience:

Lawyer, Catholic University of Chile. He joined FIHS in 1991. Specialist in the real estate area. He is legal advisor to communities of co-owners, office buildings, residential condominiums, lots and shopping centers, located in the metropolitan area and in regions. He has experience in advising important tourist-residential real estate projects in our country.

Academic experience:

Professor of the Diploma in Real Estate Law and Business taught by the Catholic University of Chile, from 2016 to date.

Professor of the Diploma in Business Real Estate Law taught by the University of Los Andes from 2011 to date.

Participates as a speaker in talks and seminars on the Real Estate Co-ownership Regime: University of Chile, University of Desarrollo, Central University, Chilean Chamber of Construction, Chilean Bar Association, I. Municipality of Las Condes, I. Municipality of Santiago, College of Real Estate Management and Administration (C.G.A.I.-Chile), and National Chamber of Real Estate Services A. G. (ACOP).


– Author of the book titled “Real Estate Co-Property New Legal Regime”.

– Author of the book titled “Administration of the Communities of Co-owners”.

– Co-author of the book titled “Seminar: Real Estate Co-Property”.

– Contributor to the Book “Legal Regime of Real Estate Brokerage”.


Member of the Bar Association of Santiago de Chile.


Andrés Gutiérrez