Sergio Huidobro Martínez

Sergio is a criminal litigator, especially in economic crimes. He also advises companies, boards of directors and senior executives on criminal compliance issues and crime prevention models. He is a professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad del Desarrollo and a member of the Legislation Commission of the Chilean Chamber of Construction”.

Studies and Professional Experience

Lawyer, Univ. Diego Portales, 1995. Post Degree in Economics and Finance for Lawyers, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Univ. of Chile, 2001; Diploma in Economic Criminal Law,  Faculty of Law, Univ. Alberto Hurtado, 2005; Diploma in ‘Corporate Governance’, Law School. Univ. del Desarrollo, 2012; Diploma ‘Economic Sanctioning Law: Administrative and Criminal”, Law School. Univ. de los Andes, 2015; Diploma in ‘Specialisation in Construction Law’, Law School. Univ. de Los Andes 2017; Diploma in Compliance Latam, Thomson Reuters, 2018. He has practiced as an independent lawyer and as part of FIHS Abogados since 1996, where he has worked mainly in economic criminal litigation and criminal compliance, providing preventive and judicial criminal advice to companies, boards of directors and senior executives.

Academic Experience

Professor of Criminal Law, Faculty of  Law, Universidad del Desarrollo (2008 to date). Professor in Diploma of Corporate Law – Corporate Criminal Liability of the Company, Faculty of Law. Univ. del Desarrollo (2010 to 2014). Professor of Criminal Compliance in the course ‘Legal Keys of the Real Estate Business’ of the ESE Business School of the Univ. de los Andes (year 2017 – 2020). Repeated speaker at the Chilean Chamber of Construction on issues of criminal liability of legal persons (2018 to date). Speaker at the 2nd International Congress on Construction Law, Universidad de los Andes (Oct. 2019).


– ‘New law on corporate crime and compliance in the construction industry’, En Concreto Magazine, of the Chilean Chamber of Construction No. 185, December 2018.

– ‘SQM and the importance of compliance in the Real Estate Industry’, Real Estate Studies Center of the ESE Business School of the Universidad de los Andes, Oct. 2018.

– Co-author Chilean Chapter in Book ‘Anti-Corruption Law and Regulation, A Global Guide 2018’.

– Co-author Chilean Chapter in Publication ‘Construction 2019, Getting the Deal Through’, August 2018.

– The UAF: Sanctions and Worrying Statistics’. En Concreto Magazine, of the Chilean Chamber of Construction N° 181, August 2018.

– ‘Comment of SCS of May 11, 2011 (Rol Nº 2576-2011)’, Doctrine and Jurisprudence Penal Magazine Nº 21. Part I. Universidad de los Andes, Faculty of Law, July 2015.

– Main Modifications to Book I of the Penal Code in the last 10 years (period 1999 to 2009)”, Legal News Magazine of the Universidad del Desarrollo, Year X, No. 20, July 2009.

– Some Comments on Law No. 20,253 on Recidivism”, Actualidad Jurídica Magazine of the Universidad del Desarrollo, Year IX, N°18, July 2008.

– Are there any room for attempt and frustration in scams against Insurance Companies?”, Actualidad Jurídica Magazine of the Universidad del Desarrollo, Year VII, No. 14, July 2006.

– Chilean Law Project that creates the National DNA Registry System”, Actualidad Jurídica Magazine of the Universidad del Desarrollo, Year VI, Nº 11, January 2005.


Member of the Chilean Bar Association. Member of the Institute of Criminal Sciences. Member of the Chilean Society of Construction Law. Member of the Centre for Regulatory Law and Business of the Universidad del Desarrollo. Member of the Legislation Commission of the Chilean Chamber of Construction.


Susana Radic